
Here’s why the same 6 universities always come out on top – World Economic Forum

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Here's why the same 6 universities always come out on top - World Economic Forum


Impacts of the US southeast wood pellet industry on local forest carbon stocks | Scientific Reports –

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Impacts of the US southeast wood pellet industry on local forest carbon stocks | Scientific Reports -


$11M soap retailer plows ahead with post-Ian recovery – Business Observer

This is the first of an occasional series on lessons business leaders are learning during Hurricane Ian recovery.

The first six weeks post-Hurricane Ian have been a whirlwind of meetings, tasks, more meetings and more things to do for Naples Soap Co. founder and CEO Deanna Wallin. The one thing she hasnt had time for? To go home, she says and crawl into a ball and cry.

I dont have the luxury for negative emotions right now, says Wallin, speaking 44 days after Ian. The hurricane damaged four of the skin and hair care retailers 10 Florida locations, denting 40% of its brick-and-mortar sales for a time. Naples Soap Co. makes more than 300 bath, body and personal care products sold in its own stores and its own website, boutiques, Amazon and more. The publicly-traded company was founded in 2009.

All I can do is stay positive, Wallin adds. The people in this company are looking to me to set the tone.

Beyond buoyancy, that tone is one of steadfast resolve to have all four closed stores fully reopened by early 2023. The four damaged locations are: downtown Fort Myers; Tin City in Naples; Sanibel Island; and Fifth Avenue South in Naples. Fifth Avenue has already reopened, and Wallin hopes to reopen Tin City by Thanksgiving and Fort Myers within a few weeks. The Sanibel location was hit particularly hard, Wallin says, recalling a visit she took there, via a boat ride from a vendor, soon after Ian. At 2075 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel took on seven to nine feet of storm surge. Sludge, Wallin says, was everywhere. It took my breath away. I could hardly speak the rest of the afternoon, she says. Thats how traumatized I was.

The Sanibel location for Naples Soap Co. took on significant damage from Ian. (Courtesy photo)

The companys Fort Myers warehouse/office was also damaged, which prompted it to speed up a planned move into a new facility nearby and do it in 72 hours. The new space, on Jetport Loop just north of Southwest Florida International Airport, is 19,000-square-feet. Despite the uncertainty of closed stores, Wallin didnt let go of any staff from the 67-employee Naples Soap Co. payroll, instead shifting them to other jobs, including warehousing and inventory.

Wallin, meanwhile, has labored to make the road back more methodical than urgent three-day moves. Wallin describes it as an assess, triage and step-by-step process, down to the to-do list she created on a whiteboard. It included: mold remediation/repairs; landlord discussions; keeping sales staff engaged and employed as well as caring for their mental health/welfare; community outreach; crisis communication management; dealing with insurance adjusters; and replacing lost inventory.

Through early November, Wallin had spent between $200,000 and $300,000 on inventory and getting stores ready to open. And on those out-of-pocket costs, she says, were not done yet. She calls the process of getting insurance a hurry-up-and-wait chronic nightmare, though she has received some funds from FEMA.

One other challenge to compound the crisis is the timing, during October, which tends to be a slower month. That means Wallin has less cash on hand just as the holiday season comes into play. Thats a monster monster problem, she says. This is our biggest season.

The Naples Soap Co. location on Sanibel Island remains closed post-Ian. (Courtesy photo)

The companys third quarter earnings report, which doesnt include Octobers closed stores, showed a slight year-over-year increase: quarterly sales rose 2% over September 2021, according to the report, released Nov. 14. And sales for the first nine months of the year were $8.08 million, up 7% from $7.52 million in the first nine months of 2021. Sales from stores, excluding online, increased 12% over the same period, according to the report. The company posted $10.9 million in revenue in 2021.

Taken in total, the sales that fuel the company, Wallin realizes, will only come from being back to 100% full operations. The biggest business lesson shes learned in the process to get there, she says, is hands-down, communicate. You have to communicate with your landlord, your employees, your vendors. Even at times like this, people have to know whats going on.

Next? Be task-driven. Its all about being organized. You have to be able to delegate and hold people accountable to themselves and a deadline. Have quick meetings as often as possible, she adds, to make sure everyone is on the same page.

In the backdrop of the comeback, Count Wallin as one of the many Southwest Florida residents who say Ian was a never-have-I-ever kind of storm.

Im 53 years old and Ive never seen anything like this. I dont think my brain has fully absorbed everything, she says. Theres some days where Im just numb. But the only way out is through. There is no stopping. I love what I do, so Im just gonna keep going.

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$11M soap retailer plows ahead with post-Ian recovery - Business Observer

Dedicated Server

45 Of The Most Relatable Memes And Posts For Those Working As Servers, Waiters Or Waitresses – Bored Panda

Hello, dear Readers, welcome to Bored Panda. Well be your witty servers this evening. We have something tantalizing to share with you. The main dish consists of hilariously relatable server life memes with a side dish of, Oh, God, thats literally my life. And for dessert, we have a fabulous concoction that we like to call Laughing Through The Pain(). What can we get you to drink with that?

Working as a server or waiter can be utterly exhausting, thoroughly frustrating, and make you reevaluate what you think you know about humankind. Its a tough job that can leave you daydreaming about greener pastures. The r/Serverlife subreddit is an online community that is dedicated to servers to talk and vent about work. Some of their memes are absolutely hilarious and incredibly relatable to anyone whos ever waited tables.

Scroll down for their funniest and most accurate memes, Pandas. While youre upvoting the memes that hit waaay too close to home (or, well, work), have a think about what tips youd share with someone who just started waiting tables. Dont forget to tip your servers!

The r/Serverlife subreddit has been around for more than 8 years. It was founded all the way back in late May of 2014. At the time of writing, the community was 73.3k members strong.

The mod team invites redditors to take off their aprons, have a glass, and chat about work. Cause c'mon, as much as you act like you don't wanna talk about it, you do. I know! Aside from hilarious memes, these internet users also speak up about their job experiences. Rude customers are just the tip of the iceberg!

At the core of working as a server lies a singular mission: making your guests experience at the restaurant memorable. In a good way, of course! Nobody wants to have wine spilled all over their fancy clothes, after all.

A great waiter is bound to have high emotional intelligence. In other words, they know how to communicate well with others, can adapt to unexpected social situations, and will be able to make someone feel right at home.

Waiting on someone is all about balance. You have to be welcoming and helpful without groveling. You have to be genuinely pleasant without pretending to be over-the-top happy that your table is about to have the most amazing time everrrr! Professional, calm, and always present without disturbing anyone.

A great server enhances the entire dining experience and ensures repeat customers. Meanwhile, a bad server is someone who drives everyone away with rudeness, incompetence, and arrogance. In other words, any restaurant is more or less an accurate microcosm of human society!

Sooner or later, youll have to deal with a rude customer. Theres hardly a job in the world without run-ins with unpleasant peeps from time to time. But in the food service industry, its part and parcel of the job experience. Servers dont just take your orders, bring you food, and send you the check in paper airplane form. Theyre problem solvers! They are the face of the entire establishment and act as the bridge between the hungry-hungry customers and the kitchen.

So there you are, always on your feet, dealing with dissatisfaction, and juggling gastronomic vernacular as well as Gordon Ramsay. If you work at a fancy restaurant with a good reputation, and youve got a ton of experience to back up your awesome skills, you can rest assuredyoure financially stable. However, if youre employed at your regular, run-of-the-mill restaurant, whether youre compensated fairly depends a lot on your countrys laws.

For instance, tipping your server isnt a custom thats regularly practiced in European countries. There are laws in place which mean that the service charge is already included in the price you see on the menu. Things are pretty darn straightforward.

Meanwhile, in the US, it all depends on your particular state. If youre considered to be a tipped employee, the way your minimum wage is calculated can be very different from the actual minimum wage. Say youre living in California, right? The minimum wage there is $15/hour. Meanwhile, the tipped wage is also $15/hour. However, in Alabama, the minimum wage is $7.25. The tipped wage? $2.13. The rest of their wage comes from tips. This means that some American servers desperately need their customers to tip. And to tip well.

When your ability to put food on the table and keep a roof over your familys heads depends almost entirely on the goodwill of your customers, youre left with a ton of pressure in your daily life. If you happen to get a stingy or rude customer, you might not be able to make ends meet.

Of course, not everyone whos rude to their waiters is evil incarnate. Some folks simply had a bad day. However, there are people out there who use their rudeness as a weapon, trying to weasel out discounts and to generally make others have an awful day. The way to handle them is to stay professional throughout the interaction. Try not to take their comments personally. If youre harassed, however, speak to your manager. Ask them to step in.

A while back, Bored Panda spoke to a server at a fancy restaurant, who had once waited on the musician, Seal. He could not have been nicer. Tipped well, made friendly, genuine, conversation with the staff, just radiated kindness. It was really an encounter Ill remember for the rest of my life, she told us during an interview, earlier.

Unfortunately, not everyone was as pleasant to work with as him. The server explained to Bored Panda that before the Covid-19 pandemic, the biggest challenge was working for little pay. Since the start of the pandemic, some new problems appeared alongside the abysmal wages that are unable to catch up with inflation. Some customers physically threatened the members of staff over safety requirements. Others pick fights over insignificant details. More and more people have been on edge.

I spend more time now soothing tantruming adults than I do running food. Just last night a customer followed me out to the parking lot and tried to take down my license plate because I charged him for extra ketchup, (as per our business policy, written on the menu), the restaurant employee revealed to us.

So, the biggest problem with being a server right now is, in short, that many people treat us as sub-human trash. Say hello, look us in the eye when you order, leave a tip, and dont call us names or threaten us. Is it so much to ask? she said.

The essence of being a good server is making sure everyone leaves the meal having had a nice time. The essence of being a great server is making sure everyone leaves the meal having had a memorable time. Im always on the lookout for anything extra I can do to make the night special for our guests. If I overhear a birthday mentioned, we bring out a piece of cake. If someone comes in wearing a Dolphins jersey, well turn on that game if theyre playing. We take pride in our work.

If you happen to see someone raging at a server, think about stepping in. Even if they appear to be unbothered by all of the rudeness, it means a lot to the staff to have someone on their side.

The server may look unbothered, but thats because its their job. The customer is always right, is one of the only pieces of training many of us get. It is literally our job to be sure tables leave happy. We cannot argue with you. So, just because theyre smiling on the outside doesnt mean theyre not offended, or even feeling unsafe, on the inside, the server told Bored Panda.

If youre not comfortable saying something to the abusive customer directly, just find a manager and quietly inform them of whats going on, theyll take it from there. A lot of servers are students who are too nervous about losing the job or looking unprofessional to ask for help. And, as someone eating in the restaurant rather than working there, your words will carry far more weight with the harasser than ours would anyways.

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45 Of The Most Relatable Memes And Posts For Those Working As Servers, Waiters Or Waitresses - Bored Panda

Dedicated Server

This tiny Eastern WA town could become a bitcoin mining hub – Crosscut

Skeptical of sustainability

Anything that takes so much electricity can represent an opportunity that is lost, said Glenn Blackmon, senior energy policy adviser with the state.

That power could be used to help build out electric vehicle-charging infrastructure or to convert buildings from natural gas to high-efficiency electricity, he said.

We need a lot of clean electricity to do the energy transformation of our economy, that is necessary for us to meet our climate goals, Blackmon said. And adding a novel load like blockchain processing, at best, is an additional requirement for clean electricity.

There is also a scenario, Blackmon said, where Merkle Standard could wind up in a situation where it negotiates to get power from somewhere else, possibly introducing fossil fuels to the mix, he said. He said the states Energy Office will be pitching the Legislature to close a loophole in the Clean Energy Transformation Act and prevent that from happening.

Otherwise, the state isnt getting in the way of the project. Just keeping an eye on it. It isnt really in the states purview to decide what is or isnt a good use of electricity, Blackmon said.

Theres lots of different things people might do with electricity that they havent done historically, he said.

The potential environmental threat of cryptocurrency has garnered a few local opponents in Pend Oreille County, who have caused a couple of hiccups.

Richards, the Army veteran who runs a website called Protect Pend Oreille, and retired biologist Ed Styskel protested the countys determination of non-significance for the project. Both argued that Merkle Standard was not forthright in how loud the full operation could be and how that noise might affect local wildlife, like the American white pelican that hangs out in the area part of the year.

In May, the county hearing examiner shot down the appeal and approved the conditional-use permit, with the requirement that the crypto operation follows state noise rules.

Stahl calls Richards a fiction fantasy writer. Stahl contends the old wood-chip processor was louder than the crypto equipment. But, Richards notes, the newsprint mill didnt run 24/7.

The crypto operation has also come under fire from Responsible Growth NE Washington, a local environmental group that got its start five years ago protesting and effectively chasing away a proposed smelter in nearby Newport.

When you want that much power, somewhere along that line ... youre going to find coal, said Phyllis Kardos, a retired teacher and a leader of Responsible Growth.

Kardos says she isnt opposed to reviving the mill and bringing back those jobs. But she worries about the impact of an industry that takes up so much electricity and, in her view, gives so little back.

Someone has to speak for the environment, she said. People want to come here, not because of a smelter, or not because of a cryptocurrency. They want to come here because of the rural lifestyle, the environment that we have now.

One question that remains is how long Merkle Standard will last in the current market conditions.

Maybe the market will swing up again, as it has done before, and Merkle will reap the profits.

Or perhaps the company will do as others have and take its miners to cheaper pastures. Merkle already shipped some computers to a server farm in South Carolina, where Stahl said the process was much smoother.

For now, Stahl says they have no plans of leaving Usk as long as it makes business sense to stay.

Maybe Im just a sucker for northeast [Washington] because I grew up in Colville, he said. But whenever I can, Im gonna try to build it here. If it becomes economically unfeasible, well go somewhere else."

InvestigateWestis an independent news nonprofit dedicated to investigative journalism in the Pacific Northwest. sign up for weekly updates.

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This tiny Eastern WA town could become a bitcoin mining hub - Crosscut

Dedicated Server

The Worldwide High-performance Computing Industry is Expected to Reach $49.9 Billion by 2027 – GlobeNewswire

Dublin, Nov. 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "High-performance Computing (HPC) Market with COVID-19 Impact Analysis, by Component, Computation Type (Parallel Computing, Distributed computing and Exascale Computing), Industry, Deployment, Server Price Band, Verticals & Region - Global Forecast to 2027" report has been added to's offering.

The global high-performance computing (HPC) market is expected to grow from USD 36.0 Billion in 2022 to USD 49.9 Billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 6.7%.Large enterprises segment is expected to hold a higher market share during the forecast period

Organizations with an employee base of more than 1,000 people are considered large enterprises. As the adoption of new digital technologies increases, many large enterprises have replaced their traditional data center infrastructure technologies and other management processes with HPC systems and solutions. Large enterprises are usually characterized by high-server densities and high computational power requirements.

These organizations require highly reliable infrastructure. HPC solutions can facilitate data center providers with fast processing abilities and deliver quick results, increasing their profitability. Moreover, HPC solutions aid large enterprises in processing numerous applications simultaneously within a short time, enabling a significant reduction in downtime.

On-Premises deployment of HPC to hold the largest market share during the forecast period

The on-premises deployment consists of various dedicated computing nodes that are attached to their parent nodes and further connected to workstations. This deployment type supports specialized hardware, such as InfiniBand and Graphics Processing Unit (GPU).

However, the emergence of HPC in the cloud has affected the growth of the on-premises deployment type segment. Yet, organizations are deploying HPC solutions using the on-premises deployment type because of the security and confidentiality factors. Many vendors are making continued investments in the on-premises deployment type, as well as developing new cloud business models for HPC. Major vendors offering on-premise HPC solutions include HPE, IBM, and Dell.

Key Topics Covered:

1. Introduction

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Premium Insights4.1 Attractive Growth Opportunities in High-Performance Computing Market4.2 High-Performance Computing Market, by Component4.3 High-Performance Computing Market, by Component and Region4.4 High-Performance Computing Market, by Country

5. Market Overview5.1 Introduction5.2 Market Dynamics5.2.1 Drivers5.2.1.1 Growing Need for Efficient Computing, High Scalability, and Reliable Storage5.2.1.2 Increasing Demand for High-Speed Data Processing with Accuracy5.2.1.3 Increased Use of High-Performance Computing and Deep Learning Frameworks in Development of COVID-19 Vaccines5.2.1.4 Growing Demand for High-Performance Computing (HPC) Systems in Genomics Research5.2.2 Restraints5.2.2.1 Cyber Security Concerns5.2.2.2 High Deployment Costs Associated with Commercial High-Performance Computing (HPC) Clusters5.2.3 Opportunities5.2.3.1 Increasing Focus on Adoption of Hybrid High-Performance Computing (HPC) Systems5.2.3.2 Introduction of Exascale Computing5.2.3.3 Rising Investments in Data Centers Supporting HPC Capability5.2.4 Challenges5.2.4.1 Less Technical Expertise Related to High-Performance Computing (HPC) Limited Budgets of Smes5.2.4.3 Challenges in Cooling HPC Systems5.2.4.4 Requirement of Advanced Frameworks to Improve Fault Tolerance and Ensure Resiliency5.3 Value Chain Analysis5.4 Technology Analysis5.5 Ecosystem Analysis5.6 Trends/Disruptions Impacting Customers5.7 Case Studies5.7.1 Case Study 1: Education5.7.2 Case Study 2: Energy and Utilities5.7.3 Case Study 3: Education5.8 Porter's Five Forces Analysis5.9 Pricing Analysis5.10 Trade Analysis5.11 Key Conferences and Events Between 2022 and 20235.12 Key Stakeholders and Buying Criteria5.13 Regulations and Standards5.14 Regulatory Bodies, Government Agencies, and Other Organizations

6. High-Performance Computing Market, by Component6.1 Introduction6.1.1 Drivers: High-Performance Computing Market for Component6.1.2 COVID-19 Impact6.2 Solutions6.2.1 Server6.2.1.1 Supercomputer and Divisional Systems6.2.1.2 Departmental and Workgroup Systems6.2.2 Storage6.2.3 Networking Devices6.2.4 Software6.3 Services6.3.1 Design and Consulting6.3.2 Integration and Deployment

7. High-Performance Computing Market, by Computation Type7.1 Introduction7.2 Parallel Computing7.2.1 Parallel Computing Helps in Solving Complex Mathematical Problems7.2.2 Case Study: Aws and AstraZeneca7.2.3 Bit-Level Parallelism7.2.4 Instruction-Level Parallelism7.2.5 Task Parallelism7.3 Distributed Computing7.3.1 Distributed Computing Helps in Leveraging HPC Resources Using Low-Value Commodity Hardware7.3.2 Use Case: Dell and Walt Disney Animation Studio7.3.3 Grid Computing7.3.4 Cluster Computing7.3.5 Cloud Computing7.3.5.1 Use Case: Fraud Detection in Bfsi Sector7.4 Exascale Computing7.4.1 Exascale Computing Helps in Making New Scientific Discoveries by Processing Large Amounts of Data in Short Time7.4.2 Use Case: Vaccine Development

8. High-Performance Computing Market, by Deployment8.1 Introduction8.1.1 Drivers: High-Performance Computing Market for Deployment Type8.1.2 COVID-19 Impact8.2 Cloud8.3 On-Premises

9. High-Performance Computing Market, by Organization Size9.1 Introduction9.1.1 Drivers: High-Performance Computing Market for Organization Size9.1.2 COVID-19 Impact9.2 Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises9.3 Large Enterprises

10. High-Performance Computing Market, by Server Price Band10.1 Introduction10.2 USD 250,000-500,000 and Above10.2.1 USD 250,000-500,000 and Above Server Price Band Comprises Systems That Help in Solving Highly Complex Mathematical Problems10.3 USD 250,000-100,000 and Below10.3.1 USD 250,000-100,000 and Below Server Price Band Comprise Systems That Can Solve Moderately Complex Mathematical Problems

11. High-Performance Computing Market, by Vertical11.1 Introduction11.1.1 Drivers: High-Performance Computing Market for Vertical11.1.2 COVID-19 Impact11.2 Government & Defense11.3 Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (Bfsi)11.4 Education & Research11.4.1 Recent Developments11.5 Manufacturing11.6 Media & Entertainment11.7 Healthcare & Life Sciences11.8 Energy & Utilities11.9 Earth Sciences11.10 Others

12. High-Performance Computing Market, by Region

13. Competitive Landscape13.1 Key Player Strategies/Right to Win13.2 Overview13.3 Top 5 Company Analysis13.4 Market Share Analysis (2021)13.5 Company Evaluation Quadrant, 202113.5.1 Star13.5.2 Pervasive13.5.3 Emerging Leader13.5.4 Participant13.6 Sme Evaluation Quadrant, 202113.6.1 Progressive Company13.6.2 Responsive Company13.6.3 Dynamic Company13.6.4 Starting Block13.7 Competitive Scenario

14. Company Profiles14.1 Key Players14.1.1 Advanced Micro Devices14.1.2 Intel14.1.3 Hewlett Packard Enterprise (Hpe)14.1.4 IBM14.1.5 Dell14.1.6 Lenovo14.1.7 Fujitsu14.1.8 Atos14.1.9 Cisco14.1.10 Nvidia14.2 Other Players14.2.1 Nec Corporation14.2.2 Amazon Web Services14.2.3 Oracle14.2.4 Microsoft14.2.5 Inspur14.2.6 Netapp14.2.7 Iron Global14.2.8 Aspen System14.2.9 Advanced Clustering Technologies14.2.10 Dawning Information Industry Co. Ltd. (Sugon)14.2.11 Dassault Systems14.2.12 Arm Limited14.2.13 Montage Technology14.2.14 Adaptive Computing14.2.15 Advanced HPC14.2.16 Datadirect Networks14.2.17 Equus Computers14.2.18 Excelero14.2.19 Giga-Byte14.2.20 Penguin Computing

15. Appendix

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The Worldwide High-performance Computing Industry is Expected to Reach $49.9 Billion by 2027 - GlobeNewswire

Dedicated Server

How to Switch Between Wayland and Xorg in Ubuntu – Beebom

If you are getting a dark preview after recording the screen in Ubuntu, its most likely because youre using the Wayland display server. We tried some of the best screen recorders on Linux recently, but the results were all the same. Only when we switched from Wayland to Xorg (also called X11) on Ubuntu did the recorders start working properly. So if you are having issues with the display server and want to switch between Wayland and Xorg in Ubuntu, we have compiled an easy step-by-step guide for you here. We have included the steps to move to the Xorg windowing system in Ubuntu.

Wayland became the default display server with the release of Ubuntu 21.04 in April 2021. That said, Ubuntu still supports Xorg, and you can seamlessly switch between the two options. I tested switching the display server on my computer running Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS (August 11, 2022), and it worked without any issues. On that note, here are the steps to follow.

1. Before you switch between Wayland or Xorg in Ubuntu, you first need to disable Automatic Login. Otherwise, the dedicated option will not appear on the lock screen. So, you first need to open Settings from the app launcher.

2. Next, in the left pane, scroll to the bottom and select Users. After that, click on Unlock in the top-right corner and enter your password to authenticate.

3. Once you have done that, go ahead and disable the Automatic Login toggle. This is an important step. Or else, you simply cant switch to Xorg or Wayland in Ubuntu.

4. Now, click on the top-right corner (the power button) in the system tray area. Here, click on Power off/Log Out in the drop-down menu.

5. After that, choose Log Out. This will log you out of your current Ubuntu session.

6. Now, press any key on the keyboard or click with the mouse, and the Ubuntu lock screen will appear. Here, click on your user profile first.

7. On the password screen, you will find a cogwheel icon at the bottom-right corner. Click on the cog and select Ubuntu or Ubuntu on Xorg to switch to Xorg. And if you want to use Wayland, select Ubuntu on Wayland.

8. Now, enter the password, and you will log in with your chosen display server either Xorg or Wayland in Ubuntu. And thats how you switch between Wayland and Xorg in Ubuntu.

9. To check if you are using Xorg or Wayland in Ubuntu, open Settings and move to About. Under Windowing System, you will find either Wayland or X11 (Xorg) mentioned in the right pane.

So these are the steps you need to follow to switch between Wayland and Xorg (X11) in Ubuntu. As we said above, Wayland turned out to be buggy in my brief testing, so we moved to Xorg for better compatibility. So if you are also facing a similar issue, let us know in the comment section below. Meanwhile, you can learn what the Chmod 777 command means in Linux and why you should avoid using it. And if you are looking for a way to run Android apps in Linux without an emulator, head to our linked tutorial.

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How to Switch Between Wayland and Xorg in Ubuntu - Beebom

Dedicated Server

Best Mastodon Servers To Choose When You Join the Twitter Alternative – TheTealMango

Are you trying to sign up for Mastodon but confused which instance or server to join in the beginning? We are here to help you out. Here is a collection of the best Mastodon servers for each topic and interest. Just go through this and find the perfect server for yourself.

Mastodon is a free and open-source social networking service that many people are considering the best Twitter alternative right now. A lot of users are jumping ships and quitting Twitter after Elon Musks takeover and bizarre actions.

Joining Mastodon requires users to become a part of an Instance, also known as a Server. You can understand Servers like subreddits on Reddit and servers on Discord. Each one is developed to cater to people of specific interests and like-minded people become a part.

Mastodon offers a wide range of servers across all topics including General, Regional, Technology, LGBTQ+, Gaming, Music, and various others. Each server or instance has its own theme, rules and regulations, lingo, and moderation policies.

Take a look at some of the best Mastodon servers across all topics in this list here:

It is the most trending and popular Mastodon social server right now with more than 75k users already a part of the Fediverse. You can join it to explore and learn about the platform while posting anything and everything.

Previously, took the top spot but its closed to people to join now. However, you can still explore it without being a part of the instance.

Join it from here

If you are a Technology enthusiast, is the perfect server for you on Mastodon with more than 22k users.

Join it from here is the best Mastodon server for gaming enthusiasts. This server hosts all sorts of games on the platform and has more than 1k users.

Join it from here

Music lovers have the right gathering spot on Mastodon at The users on this server are increasing but all of them are hardcore electronic music fans.

Join it from here is the first completely dedicated server for art and artists on the platform. It has more than 12k users and the count is increasing rapidly.

Join it from here is one the top Mastodon servers due to the large number of furry friends lovers on the platform.

Join it from here is a friendly community for people who identify themself as different. Its for any who resist fascism and are members of the LGBTQ+ community. More than 20k users are a part of this pride-related server.

Join it from here is one of the top food-related servers for beer lovers on Mastodon with more than 6k users. You can find some very delicious snaps and tasty suggestions in this instance

Join it from here is a climate-positive server where mostly EU nationals are present. It hosts more than 6K users and the count is ever-increasing.

Join it from here is another General server thats really popular among new users. The highlight of the instance is that the founder of Mastodon, Eugene, is a part of it and regularly posts here.

Join it from here

These are the top ten Mastodon servers right now. We have handpicked these after going through hundreds and thousands of options. You can find them all in this directory.

Which server have you joined? Feel free to invite our readers to your instance using the comment box.

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Best Mastodon Servers To Choose When You Join the Twitter Alternative - TheTealMango

Cloud Hosting

Keep Your Cloud Secure: A Fitness Routine for Your Cloud Environment | – Spiceworks News and Insights

Companies are increasing their cloud adoption. Simultaneously, cloud environments face both the security challenges of on-premises environments and new ones that arise from their core benefits. Hence, companies should become smarter about their defenses. Here, Mark Kedgley, CTO, Netwrix, shares the best practices regarding cybersecurity defenses.

I find that the second week of a diet is easier than the first I have always given up by then! While we all know that the only way to achieve lasting fitness is to eat smarter and be active, it is difficult to stop looking for a magic pill. We want to believe that just a kale smoothie will deliver the results we want.

Similarly, there are no shortcuts to attaining strong cybersecurity, and many organizations are falling short of their goals. Netwrix recently surveyed over 700 IT security professionals, and there were a couple of findings that should grab everyones attention:

Source: Netwrix 2022 Cloud Security Report

Even as the threat to cloud IT systems grows, organizations are increasing their cloud adoption. About 54% of workloads are planned to be in the cloud by the end of 2023, compared to 41% today. Accordingly, it is vital to get a lot smarter about cybersecurity defenses.

As with fitness, strong cybersecurity requires disciplined, consistent practice. It is not quite no pain no gain, but it is much more than just buying a SIEM system and configuring some firewall rules. Indeed, cloud environments face both the security challenges of on-premises environments and new ones that arise from their core benefits, such as:

See More: Cloud Security Posture Management: Four Ways To Clear Your Clouded Vision

Let us assume that a strategic business case has already been made to migrate to the cloud. Today that often happens when the realization dawns that a new data center will be needed or a hardware refresh is coming around. The eye-watering costs and the anticipated logistical challenges almost inevitably lead to the conclusion that cloud computing would make life much better.

A key question that decision-makers should consider: are we re-hosting, re-platforming, or re-architecting? The answer is largely driven by whether or not the assets in question are in-house developed applications and the current state and future direction of IT services. For most organizations, it is a combination of all three paths because every application has different requirements for now and moving forward. If you are stuck with any legacy applications running on old platforms, then it is likely that a hybrid cloud is coming your way. Then you will have the opportunity to reap the benefits of DevOps with a CI/CD pipeline and instantly refreshed, elastic, container-based microservices applications down the line!

From a security standpoint, the cloud is highly attractive if it removes your data center security and business continuity responsibilities. However, even though you will no longer have a physical data center to secure, you will need to implement new access security controls and get a clear understanding of the activities and rights of your in-house resources and those of the service provider.

Start with the basics. One fundamental security best practice is the principle of least privilege. But that principle is as likely to be flouted in the cloud as on-premises. It is simply easier to over-provision accounts than to tailor rights as tightly as possible, much as it is easier to overindulge in treats or skip todays workout than to stick to your fitness plan. For help, look to cloud infrastructure entitlement management (CIEM) tools that facilitate processes like regular entitlement reviews to accurately enforce the least privilege, as well as monitor user activity and maintain clear and complete audit trails. Also, consider adopting a zero standing privilege (ZSP) approach in which privileged access is granted only temporarily, on demand, when required.

Multifactor authentication (MFA) offers another layer of identity security, helping to prevent the hijacking of credentials. In many cloud environments, MFA is offered as a configurable option but is not a default setting. Organizations need to weigh the benefits of increased security against the risk of user frustration and productivity losses.

Pre-built images provide a good starting point for hardening an environment. It is vital to remember that hardening is not a one-time operation; you also need automated, continuous monitoring for drift backed by effective reporting and alerting. It is rather like an exercise log that helps you keep your fitness program on track.

However, effective change control can be a steep challenge. You need a consistent picture across all cloud systems in use, including hybrid and private clouds, as well as the traditional data center and legacy IT platforms and applications. And on top of gaining complete visibility into all changes, you need to understand whether each change was planned or unplanned, good or bad, expected or potentially malicious. Again, there are tools and technologies that can help you achieve and maintain a hardened cloud or hybrid infrastructure.

Cloud technologies and platforms are comparatively new, so none of us have as much experience with the challenges as we do with systems like Linux and Windows. So set the alarm clock and get to the gym early as soon as you finish your workout, there is another busy day of cloud security to get on with!

What are the best practices you are following to keep your cloud environment secure? Share with us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Image Source: Shutterstock

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Keep Your Cloud Secure: A Fitness Routine for Your Cloud Environment | - Spiceworks News and Insights

Cloud Hosting

US Department of the Interior seeks $1b single-vendor cloud contract – The Register

The United States Department of the Interior has posted a final solicitation for a $1 billion cloud computing services contract that runs for 11 years and will be awarded to a single vendor.

According to the final request for proposals [PDF], the department wants a "single Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity contractor" that will deliver cloud hosting across the DoI.

The department, among other things, looks after National Parks. It is supposed to protect the US's natural resources and manage them as commercial entities (it employs park rangers at the Grand Canyon for example).

Under Cloud Hosting Service III, it wants a single Virtual Private Center for cloud services to support its cloud and managed service requirements.

Under previous Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke, the department controversially opened some of those federal lands to oil, gas and coal prospectors.

Just two months ago, a federal judge put a stop to coal leases on public lands, with the Obama-era moratorium reinstated under current Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland, a member of the Native American Pueblo people who has advocated for investments from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to help clean up legacy pollution.

Now the department is looking for a single vendor for a "green IT" solution, saying the main drivers of the effort are a push towards cloud migration and datacenter consolidation, with the notice saying it hoped to "reduce the IT footprint for agencies," consolidate "traditional DCs" (implying it plans to cut a few), and save on hardware. It also claimed the contractor would help terh Department improve its "overall IT security posture" and shift IT investments to more "efficient" computing platforms and technologies.

The winning bidder will need to meet Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) security requirements, so likely will be one of the larger cloud service providers (CSPs), so what it can actually do for carbon offsets will vary though theoretically there would be environmental economies of scale.

The security aspect will be worthwhile according to a 2020 pen-testing report from the department's inspector general, among other failings, the DoI internal wireless network could be broken into over the air using a smartphone and under $200 worth of electronics stuffed into a backpack.

Previously, the DoI contracted its cloud under a multi-vendor contract, with previous tussles over services to the department including a knockdown fight between Microsoft and Google when the department found the latter's apps were not sufficiently "secure."

In 2013, the DoI spent $10 billion on its Foundation Cloud Hosting Services, contracted out to 10 vendors including Verizon.

The current $1 billion project is dwarfed by the Department of Defense's Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability mega-deal, the JEDI replacement that handed up to $9 billion to AWS but whoever scores this one, at least, will not have to divide the spoils.

See original here:

US Department of the Interior seeks $1b single-vendor cloud contract - The Register