Inspired: CentralReach Joins Bell Works in 'Office of the Future'
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Open to start-ups across Australia and internationally, the incubator will give participants access to industry expertise and specialized lab and clinical facilities and infrastructure to develop and commercialize innovations.
It will be Australias first and only incubator that is co-located with a leading biopharmaceutical company, pledging to provide all of the wrap around support start-ups need to translate medical research into new treatments and therapies.
The incubator will be open to applications from small biotech companies who have engaged in early research and are seeking to take their discoveries to the next stage of development.
Created by global biotech CSL, biomedical research institute WEHI and The University of Melbourne, the incubator will be operated by Sydney-based Cicada Innovations (twice named top incubator in the world by International Business Incubator Association, Cicada has helped incubated start-ups raise over $1.5bn in funding, achieve over $1.3bn in exits and trade sales, file over 600 patents, and launch over 700 innovations globally).
Located over two floors of CSLs new corporate headquarters being built in the Melbourne Biomedical Precinct, the incubator will provide affordable, state-of-the-art wet-lab facilities, equipment and office space to start-ups. The incubator will be embedded alongside seven floors of laboratory and clinical manufacturing space supporting CSLs own R&D program.
Cicada will provide a range of services, including commercialization education programs, facilitated access to investors, industry mentoring and access to service providers for incubator residents, ensuring the creation and ongoing success of a vibrant biotech ecosystem within the incubator.
The incubator will be able to accommodate up to 40 early-stage companies from around Australia and internationally.
CSLs Chief Scientific Officer, Dr Andrew Nash said incubator residents will benefit from Cicadas operational expertise and proven track record of incubator management as well as its location within CSLs new R&D hub.
The strong collaboration between CSL, the University of Melbourne, WEHI, Breakthrough Victoria and now Cicada Innovations has been critical to bring the incubator to fruition and reflects CSLs values and desire to deliver on our promise to patients worldwide.
"As Australias largest biotech, we can share our extensive knowledge with resident biotech start-ups who will have access to the wrap around support they need to translate their medical research into new treatments and therapies, he said.
Start-ups interested in applying for residence in the incubator are invited to email
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New biotech incubator welcomes expressions of interest -
The tents are beside an icy creek, down a snowy ravine on the other side of the railroad tracks.
Theyre beyond a sign that warns no one to cross, and past a wire fence thats bent out of shape in multiple places by all the people who have stretched it to duck through. When the W-Line light rail train rounds the bend, its hardly audible above the biting November wind.
Sheridan Station, the RTD train station near West Colfax Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard, has for years been a popular spot for homeless campers. The ravine where they set up their tents is fenced on both sides to prevent people from entering, shrouded by a few creekside trees, and just far enough from the train platform that commuters dont see much.
Its a tough spot to access even for Alton Reynolds, a former city bus driver and counselor who is the Regional Transportation Districts first homeless outreach coordinator. Still, Reynolds has entered the ravine multiple times, offering connections to shelters, housing programs and mental health support, and usually with a few RTD police officers.
Hes also played frogger across the tracks to reach a couple of people camped on a slice of dirt between the light rail tracks and freight train tracks along the C and D lines. And he helped organize an A-Line cleanup of an encampment junkyard, where people were living in the shell of an abandoned Ford Explorer and VW bus, both draped with tarps and connected to tents.
For now, Reynolds is a one-man operation, striking up conversations in eight counties with people camping at train stations or sleeping on buses and trains beyond the end of the route, when passengers are required to exit. He is an employee of Jefferson Center, the community mental health center for Jefferson County, which applied to host the RTD grant-funded position.
In a booming voice, he announces his presence far before he reaches the door of a tent or a person sleeping on the ground.
My voice carries across the entire Union Station, I know that already, said Alton, who for six years drove RTD buses, including the notorious No. 15 along Colfax Avenue. I can get their attention from a long ways away. Its a good way for me to disarm a person.
Reynolds makes clear from the start that hes not a cop. Hes an outreach worker, he tells them, here to find out what they might need.
Tell me your story, and Ill try to help, he tells them. Reynolds can direct people to a homeless shelter, a hot meal or a needle-exchange program, or enter their contact information into the states housing prioritization database, which links people to housing programs based on their level of immediate need. He can also call in the crisis team at Jefferson Center for a mobile mental health assessment.
Reynolds doesnt push its more about listening. A person who has piles of food but is asking for more might need a mental health assessment instead of more food, for example. Someone who is openly using drugs gets contact information for the Harm Reduction Action Center. Tell them Alton sent you, he says.
He offers a step toward a new path, nothing too overwhelming. Thats a better start than where youre at at this point, he said.
Multiple times a day, Reynolds explains to people that theres no camping allowed on RTD property, even though its a public space, and that he hopes he doesnt see them camped next to the tracks or behind the elevators when he returns.
Public transportation systems for years have tried to find the right balance between compassion for those who are riding buses and trains to stay warm, or sleeping in stations because they dont have a home, and commuters expectations that they feel comfortable and safe on their way to work.
Long before the COVID pandemic pushed homelessness on public sidewalks and train stations to new levels, Steven Martingano, deputy chief of RTDs police force, realized the transit system should partner with the local mental health center.
Martingano noticed about five years ago that many people caught up in RTDs suspension program which bans people from RTD property anywhere from 30 days to life, depending on the crime had mental health issues. Their therapists at Denvers community mental health center appealed to RTD on their behalf, saying that without access to a bus or train, their patients could not pick up their medication or make appointments.
As a trial partnership, a mental health counselor from WellPower, Denvers community mental health center, accompanied RTD police officers. Within a week, Martingano said, it was obvious RTD needed a co-responder program.
Automatically, they were like, Hey, we really need to do this almost every day with RTD, recalled Martingano, who previously was a police officer in New York City, Arvada and Denver. They were meeting a lot of clients that were lost in the system. And a lot of the issues that the people were being charged with were disorderly conduct or hindering public transportation, but a lot of them were really medical. Someone just starts screaming on the bus, and the bus driver pulls over thats really a medical condition.
The following year, in 2019, RTD budgeted for four mental health co-responders.
Those clinicians ended up reconnecting with patients the mental health center had lost contact with and making hundreds of new appointments. Almost 30% of people offered mental health treatment were willing to participate.
Clinicians also discovered that most of the people they were meeting at the stations nearly 70%, according to WellPower data were homeless.
That statistic, and the effects of post-pandemic homelessness on the public transit system, inspired RTD to seek a federal grant, which covers Reynolds salary as the organizations first homelessness case manager.
The old philosophy used to be that were a transportation company, Martingano said. We just need to get people from A to Z. But once they leave our system, our property, thats no longer RTDs issue.
One of the biggest COVID-era effects on RTD came after the city worked with nonprofits to open two massive shelters at the National Western Complex after homeless shelters in downtown Denver closed. The shift meant hundreds of new riders were riding buses to north Denver.
If we didnt start building these partnerships, we would have never been prepared for how to handle that, Martingano said. Now were sitting at the table with all these metro agencies so that we can assist in whatever capacity that were able to.
Malcolm Moores tent is by itself at the back of a dirt lot, across the street from the A-Line. Hes had the RTD property in north Denvers industrial district to himself since February, except for the semitrucks that sometimes roll in for the night.
Moore, who was making spaghetti on a tiny camping stove on a recent afternoon, hasnt been asked to move because he isnt in anyones way, isnt using drugs and is far enough away from the tracks that its not a safety concern, Reynolds said. He hops on the light-rail train at East 40th Avenue and Colorado Boulevard to pick up his Amazon orders and other mail downtown, and sometimes, just to warm up.
Reynolds, though, is trying to help him find housing. Moore moved to the vacant lot in a snowstorm last winter after he contracted COVID while living in a rooftop encampment about a block away. He hadnt tried looking for housing until Reynolds offered to help a few weeks ago.
Up until then, I have been all about survival, said Moore, who lost his apartment in Denver in 2016 after the manager kept upping the rent.
Moore, 47, has a solar-powered generator that runs his laptop, which hes using to start a blog and podcast about homelessness. He set up motion-sensored lights in the dirt next to his tent, his security system to warn him if anyone creeps up on him in the night. When they go off, he shouts to scare intruders away.
When he was sick with COVID, his legs too lethargic to move, Reynolds posted his location online and asked for help. A kind woman appeared with bags of Advil, soup and Gatorade, and, Moore said, saved his life.
Its hard to live so isolated, but Moore prefers it to the chaos that, until a recent cleanup, was just across the street.
The encampment along the A-Line, anchored by abandoned vehicles and up against a chain-link fence along the tracks, was packed with people all day and night, Moore said. Ahead of a city cleanup a few weeks ago, Reynolds encouraged residents of the camp to move out on their own, salvaging the belongings they wanted to keep. He also offered connections to shelters and housing programs.
Lets work together to get all the dangerous items, the needles, the trash, the propane tanks out from over here so everybody can be safe, Reynolds said he told the campers. And by working with them and being honest about it we were able to pick up the area.
The encampment was in full view of riders of the A-Line train, including those just landing at Denver International Airport. It generated quite a number of calls to RTDs customer comment hotline.
You have visitors coming into town or even our normal commuters looking over here going, Hey, whats going on over here? This looks like a significant town, not just an encampment, but a town being built, Reynolds said.
The point of the homeless navigator isnt just to move campers away from the tracks so they can set up camp somewhere else, said Taylor Clepper, director of navigation and housing services at Jefferson Center.
What does that actually solve? Clapper asked. How do we get them to that next step on the path? How do we meet them where theyre at?
The mental health center applied to RTD to host the homeless navigator because the position filled a gap that was keeping people from crucial services, Clepper said. The navigator acts as a connector linking people at bus and train stations to mental health centers across the metro area.
And it makes sense for the navigator to cover the whole RTD region, Clepper said, because people who camp at stations are often moving anywhere RTD goes, from Boulder to Douglas County. Wherever they land, Reynolds can help get them into the right services, and coordinate services throughout several jurisdictions.
How this actually helps human beings is were able to better connect those dots and connect them with resources that are a good fit for what theyre actually going through, Clepper said.
The Denver mental health center, WellPower, now has more than 30 clinicians working in co-responder programs, starting with the Denver Police Department in 2016 and expanding to other agencies, including the Auraria college campus and the four positions with RTD.
Co-responders on the streets with law enforcement are the eyes and ears of what is happening in the moment while someone is in crisis, said Sam Rabins, manager of the Denver mental health center co-responder program. Case managers cant be with their entire caseload at every moment. Were able to really see that person in the moment and say, What do you need? and then have direct contact with their care team so that that person now gets their needs met.
One man who was contacted by RTD police about eight times a day for nearly two years is off the streets and in housing, thanks to co-responders who helped get him into services, Rabins said.
We just need to make public transportation equitable for all people that are utilizing it, she said. And if that means that the person who rides a train for warmth continues to do so and has supportive services outside of it, to me, that means weve done our job.
Along with the co-responder program, RTD is training its drivers about mental health response and placing brochures on trains and buses that list services available throughout the metro region. Another idea thats been discussed is playing informational videos at RTD stations or inside buses and trains that would educate people about where to get help for mental health or substance use.
RTD is saying lets train our bus drivers to be more educated and less like, Oh, someone thats talking to themselves just got on the bus, and all of a sudden, I need to radio up because I dont know what to do, said Chris Richardson, a co-responder and associate director of criminal justice services for the Denver mental health center.
It really is, how do you connect with someone on a very humanistic personal level that is not, Im afraid of you or Im concerned about what youre going to say. Youre taking off the barriers that allow people to feel like youre in it with them, and youre willing to help get them to that next step.
Eleven months into his job, Reynolds has had a front-row seat to the post-pandemic conflict between people without homes and business commuters. People complain about the encampments in light-rail stations. Other people complain when he forces campers to pack up and move along. Workers on the train complain that its too smelly or unsafe to ride.
Many of us quarantined ourselves. We stayed inside our homes. We locked our doors. We didnt go out, he said. Well, after that quarantine was lifted, I go up to my station and start to decide, Hey, I want to go downtown. Well, during that whole quarantine, they didnt have a house to go to so they were already on the buses and trains at that point, and the more you get to be on that train and bus without anybody bothering you, guess what, Im gonna get on it more often.
Reynolds work as a bus driver prepared him well to handle both sides. He recalled one Saturday when a woman with a significant body odor boarded his bus. Passengers were complaining, some loudly. The woman was getting agitated. Then she peed in her seat.
Reynolds asked the woman to sit near him and kept telling her, Its OK. I got you and Im going to get you where you need to go.
He also made an airline announcement, something like, Please feel free to go ahead and drop the windows down. Please bear with us and well get to our destination as soon as possible.
Reynolds contacted his supervisor, who dispatched another bus to his location. Then while Reynolds passengers got on the new bus, full of fresh air, he chauffeured the woman off route to a homeless shelter downtown.
Most days, he wished he could do more to help people by offering something besides a ride, which is why he applied for his current job.
Its an opportunity to connect all the dots that Ive done in my life a counselor, a bus operator and a person concerned about others.
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According to Wall Street and the quarterly reports filed by many top technology companies, including Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, cloud growth decelerated in the quarter that just ended. The growth of cloud computing has slowed a bit this year, The Wall Street Journal admitted, and most tech publications sing the same tune. Some people are now questioning whether the cloud was cheaper, as was claimed, than the data center. It may not be time to abandon the cloud, but it sure sounds like we need to look at it more closely.
Lets start with a basic truth. If youre an enterprise with a data center that contains hundreds of rack-mounted servers, and youre looking at the price of running an application instance in a virtual machine in your data center versus in the cloud, the data center will be cheaper. You can get almost the same economies of scale as an enterprise as a cloud provider could achieve, and you dont have to pay the cloud providers profit margins.
So, the cloud is a massive fraud? Not so fast. If you have an application, not a single instance, that has to support consumer access via the Internet, and you want to host the application somewhere, that same cloud is almost certainly going to be cheaper. Why? Because the application will need to scale to the maximum number of users expected, and providing that scalability in your own data center means buying a bunch of servers that wont be used most of the time. The clouds scalability is based on resources shared across all its users, so its more efficient.
There is a legitimate reason to use cloud resources. The current trends toward direct online product information and sales support encourage the building of applications that have to scale significantly and so are reasonable candidates for public cloud hosting. Whats not legitimate is the often-expressed view that everything is moving to the cloud. What we are seeing now is proof thats not the case.
Suppose the cloud was really cheaper, and that everything in the data center could run in the cloud at a lower cost. Here we are in an economic downturn, and yet companies are decelerating their cloud adoption. Forget savings, they say, and toss out that cheaper cloud option! Nonsense. Clearly, a cheaper cloud would be adopted more, not less, often. But suppose that the clouds growth depends not on overall cheapness, but on enterprises shifting to an online marketing/sales model. If were in that same economic downturn, wouldnt it be smart to wait till things look better before we start our new online program? The result is a slowing of cloud growth.
Or suppose youre a social media company whose revenues come from ads. Do your advertisers, seeing the threat of an economic downturn, decide to up their spending, so you can up your cloud spending? Doubtful, so what really happens is that they cut their spending, and you cut yours. Cloud providers revenues dont grow as fast as a result.
The signals from the market are clear; cloud spending depends on consumers online activity. Its the variation in these consumer workloads that makes an application a candidate for the cloud. If lower overall cloud costs were driving adoption, the same companies would accelerate a movement to the cloud. In fact, wed have converted to the cloud long ago.
OK, so everything isnt moving to the cloud. Whats the action item? For IT and network planners, including CIOs, the truth about the cloud raises two questions. First, what actually happens to applications that, instead of being run either in the cloud or data center, must now be run with a foot in both worlds? Second, if the role of the WAN is to connect the cloud piece of applications to the data center piece, what does the network of the future actually look like?
The questions here are as important as their answers. What theyre showing is that the network of the future is being framed by application software decisions rather than by things like the location of workers or facilities. As the cloud becomes the universal on-ramp for applications, how the cloud relates to workers and relates to the data center (outwards to the workers and inwards to the data center) establishes network policy.
What seems inevitable is that nearly all application access will move to the cloud, that mission-critical transaction processing and databases will remain in the data center, and that the Internet on the outside, and cloud-to-data-center connections on the inside will be the WAN of the future. In fact, the current cloud evolution could have a major impact on MPLS VPN services by siphoning traffic off VPNs and onto the Internet.
Is the basic value of the cloud under threat? No, the coverage of the cloud is whats questionable. Weve accepted facile views of cloud benefits that never had any basis, and were now struggling to understand the real benefits of the cloud. Cloud benefits are more complicated, so they take more than a few soundbites to communicate. The moral here is that the cloud, as it gets more pervasive, mature, and advanced, also gets more complicated, and we have to accept it will take some effort to deal with that. Once we do, then the real future of the cloud will become clear.
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Questioning the Cloud Value Proposition | No Jitter - No Jitter
Thousands of cloud-computing fans will convene in Las Vegas from November 28 through December 2 for the Amazon Web Services (AWS) 11th re:Invent cloud conference. Each year, re:Invent features leader keynotes, new service announcements, fun, and inspiration. Here are five things to know about this years re:Invent:
re:Invent is AWSs biggest cloud event of the year, and an opportunity to check out all the latest news and developments in compute, databases, analytics, machine learning, and storage. You can follow all the key announcements, and get a peek at the newest cloud technologies from AWS at the Amazon Press Center.
After going virtual in 2020, and offering a hybrid event in 2021, re:Invent is offering more in-person events so all attendeesfrom customers to partners to aspiring technologistscan learn from experts and each other. The team has designed an in-person program with nearly 2,300 sessions. To ensure the conference is as inclusive as possible, AWS is live-streaming all keynotes and leadership sessions for virtual attendees. All presentations, including breakout sessions, will be captioned and broadcasted. To catch the re:Invent action remotely, register to virtually attend.
AWS leaders, including CEO Adam Selipsky, will host keynotes, announcing the latest product launches and sharing inspiring customer stories. Other keynote speakers include Amazon Chief Technology Officer Dr. Werner Vogels, Senior Vice President of AWS Utility Computing Peter DeSantis, Vice President of AWS Worldwide Channels and Alliances Ruba Borno, and Vice President of AWS Database, Analytics, and Machine Learning Swami Sivasubramanian. In total, re:Invent will feature 22 leadership sessions. Check out the full agenda.
At its heart, re:Invent is a learning conference, offering builder labs, bootcamps, gamified learning, and hundreds of technical sessions, from the introductory to the most advanced. Attendees get to dive deep with new technologies, and they can practice new ways of working and hone their skills alongside their cloud-community peers.
Participants will have opportunities to explore demos and interact with technology, including meeting a robot bar-keep, seeing a basketball free-throw analyzer, and playing a cloud-skills game. AWS is also hosting a showcase for sustainability, which highlights how technology is being used to address challenges like water conservation and decarbonizing operations. And the AWS Disaster Response rolling laba technology-packed truckshows the benefits of cloud capabilities during disaster responses. Finally, attendees can catch the annual AWS DeepRacer League Championship, where machine learning meets model cars racing autonomously around a tough track.
5 things you need to know about re:Invent, AWS's biggest cloud event of the year - About Amazon
CloudWave acquires Sensato Cybersecurity, bringing together cloud hosting services and managed Cybersecurity-as-a-Service for healthcare organizations.
Sensato was founded by long-time health information technology visionary John Gomez, who will join CloudWave as chief security and engineering officer.
Sensato developed a fully integrated Cybersecurity-as-a-Service platform (CaaS) that features an innovative solution stack to provide real-time network monitoring, intrusion detection, and asset fingerprinting along with a 247 Security Operations Center designed specifically for healthcare infrastructure and connected devices. It will be available immediately as part of CloudWaves new Sensato Cybersecurity suite.
As healthcare organizations are increasingly being targeted by cybercriminals, CloudWaves Sensato Cybersecurity suite provides a level of security that combines the ability to comply with best practices and regulations, detect threats, and respond to cybersecurity incidents in a fully integrated and easy to deploy holistic platform.
The Sensato Cybersecurity suite is a natural fit with CloudWaves OpSus Cloud Services. It will enable hospitals to implement a fully managed cybersecurity program, resulting in full HIPAA and NIST compliance, with end-to-end service and support from a single provider.
The companys Cybersecurity Tactical Operations Center (CTOC), a next generation SOC, employs a tactical approach to cybersecurity with continuous monitoring by cybersecurity analysts, while also incorporating machine learning.
The blending of operations for cybersecurity and cloud service delivery into a single extended healthcare ecosystem, spanning public cloud, private cloud and on-premises healthcare technology environments is unprecedented and provides a seamless, enhanced experience to customers.
As a managed cloud service provider to hundreds of hospitals, CloudWave has witnessed how devastating a cyber event can be to healthcare organizations. Unfortunately, the frequency of these attacks continues to risean increasing number of customers have called upon CloudWave for rapid response services to help halt and remediate cyberattacks on their on-premises systems in just the last two years, said Erik Littlejohn, president and CEO of CloudWave.
With the addition of the innovative, proprietary technologies included in the Sensato Cybersecurity suite, along with the cyber expertise of the Sensato team, CloudWave will be able to offer customers the high-level cybersecurity we provide for our cloud-based delivery to on-premises systems., Littlejohn continued.
Rich Temple, vice president, CIO at Deborah Heart and Lung Center in Browns Mills, NJ, commented, The Sensato Cybersecurity suite offers a level of healthcare data protection to hospitals that would be difficult to implement on our own. Theres peace of mind in knowing that our systems are being monitored and protected by an experienced team of cybersecurity specialists.
He continued, As a long-time CloudWave customer, we know that having a single partner for services delivery of our cloud-hosted applications and our on-premises cybersecurity systems and support simplifies our IT operations significantly.
CloudWave is the independent cloud and managed EHR hosting provider in healthcare and has been delivering secure IT services to the healthcare market via the cloud for more than a decade. The company is 100% focused on healthcare with more than 250 hospital environments currently managed in the public cloud and the OpSus private cloud.
CloudWave also employs a defense-in-depth approach to cybersecurity. Its Sensato Cybersecurity suite and CTOC further fortifies the OpSus Cloud Services platform and provides complete, managed cybersecurity as a service to customers.
Were excited to become part of the CloudWave family, said John Gomez. The promise of what well be able to collaboratively provide to the healthcare community with our combined expertise securing and delivering IT services is beyond measure.
The terms of the deal were not disclosed.
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CloudWave acquires Sensato to expand its healthcare cybersecurity portfolio - Help Net Security
Stadiums and Convention Center Venues Benefit from New Ways to Monetize and Differentiate their Facilities
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. & CORONA, Calif., November 29, 2022--(BUSINESS WIRE)--GoZone WiFi, the leader in WiFi monetization and management tools, and Forum Info-Tech, a top 100 managed service provider (MSP), today announced that the two companies are working together to provide the Toyota Arena and Ontario Convention Center with advanced IT and WiFi solutions. Toyota Arena is a multi-purpose arena in Ontario, CA, hosting local sporting events and concerts including the Ontario Clippers, and the Ontario Convention Center is a full-service, state-of-the-art convention facility used for conventions, trade shows, exhibits and meetings.
GoZone WiFi and Forum Info-Tech are helping to drive revenue and connect with Wi-Fi users that exhibit or attend events at large facilities like the Toyota Arena and Ontario Convention Center using GoZones Smart WiFi Suite of guest analytics solutions and Forum Info-Techs IT products and services. These combined solutions offer these venues with updated IT services and the ability to self-manage and automate the onboarding of any type of user including exhibitors, guests, fans, contractors, and all their IoT devices.
"We are excited to partner with Forum Info-Tech to provide Toyota Arena with our combined innovative guest analytic and IT solutions," said Todd Myers, Founder and CEO, GoZone WiFi. "GoZones solutions for stadium and Convention Center facilities like Toyota Arena and Ontario Convention Center provide these venues with the opportunity to increase concession revenues, drive future attendance and make informed staffing decisions. In addition, these venues can better understand traffic flow and attendee behavior and apply that data to event layout and design. They also can showcase event sponsors with interactive ads, drive app downloads, and provide advertiser attribution."
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"GoZone Wi-Fi helps Forum Info-Tech add an additional layer of service for our Managed IT Service venues like the Toyota Arena and Ontario Convention Center. In addition to providing onsite and co-managed IT services for their computer networks, workstation support, and cloud hosting and security compliance, we have found that GoZone Wi-Fi provides Forum Info-Tech the logical extension of taking care of the venues Wi-Fi to provide an incredible and hassle-free WiFi experience for both the venue and those attending events," added Biren Shukla, President and CEO, Forum Info-Tech.
About GoZone:
GoZone WiFi is a SaaS company and leader in monetizing and managing Guest WiFi. The company offers business analytics, venue intelligence and guest engagement by using WiFi networks to deliver branded content, provide customer analytics, and display advertising. GoZones Smart WiFi Suite of products enables WiFi monetization through rich location data, marketing engagements, and third-party sponsorships. GoZones venue intelligence enables enterprises to strategically refine operations, bridging the gap between marketing and IT. Learn more at
About Forum Info-Tech:
Forum Info-Tech specializes in educating our clients on the information technology options available to ease business IT concerns and implement the best solution. Our professional scope ranges from engineering and implementing on-premise network solutions, designing and migrating to cloud solutions, business continuity, and data recovery solutions, and consulting on various IT projects. Our network and technical engineers combined experience allows us to successfully provide custom, affordable solutions to our valued clients. For more information, please learn more at
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Cloud computing and data analytics are the present-day superheroes that can run a business solely on their shoulders. Since the introduction of cloud services in 2006, it has evolved so much, and many big players in the tech industry, like Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, and Adobe almost all tech giants, big and small, are offering cloud services at various levels.
Data analytics, on the other hand, is the study of statistics and is as old as pyramids, literally! Ancient Egyptians used census statistics for the building of pyramids. Statistics played an important role for governments all over the world in the creation and classification of censuses, distribution of goods, and collection of taxes et al. Data analysis is the process of collecting data from various sources and studying it to extract useful information.
With the introduction of computers, the power of computation has increased tremendously, and it helped data analysis to look deep into the data to find various answers that can be benefitted from. While cloud computing is a modern technological marvel, data analysis existed long before. Before finding out the combined power of the two, lets look at their strengths to understand them better.
Cloud Computing:
Cloud computing had given all business enterprises the option of not buying a cow when they need a packet of milk. The analogy may seem funny, but that was the case with all the businesses before the cloud. Previously, business enterprises used to spend a bomb on IT infra, most of which was used just as a backup to face any eventualities or when the situation demands. When not in use, these IT resources used to occupy a lot of space and waste a lot of energy in terms of the power they consume and, eventually the money. Cloud services have eliminated all this wastage by simply offering every IT resource as a service. Now, businesses can buy a service and pay for what they use and need not own that IT infrastructure.
Cloud computing services are mainly of 3 types. Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS, where businesses can rent infrastructure like servers, networks, virtual machines, operating systems, and storage without having to buy these costly entities. This way, the businesses like e-commerce platforms can make use of these services by scaling up or down depending on the demand; for example, during festive seasons, they can scale up the resources as the traffic is expected to peak, and on other occasions when the traffic is low, they can scale down the resources. This saves a ton of burden for the businesses as they need not worry about scaling their hardware and can concentrate on other important business aspects. Thats one use of cloud computing, scalability of hardware on demand!
The second category of cloud computing service is Platform as a Service, PaaS. The cloud service offers a complete development framework and deployment environment for any web application for the customers. Just like in IaaS, PaaS also includes infrastructure such as servers, networks, and storage, and in addition also includes development tools, database management services DBMS, business intelligence BI tools, and all the middleware required to build and maintain a complete web application lifecycle right from inception, build, test, deploy, manage and update! IaaS is a subset of PaaS in the sense that PaaS offers all the services of IaaS and more.
The third category of cloud computing service is Software as a Service, SaaS where the cloud provider hosts a software application for the end users to make good of it for a price. The software provider can either host the software application, and all the related databases using its own servers and resources and offer services like Microsoft Azure or, in the case of an independent software vendor, ISV can use a cloud provider's help to host his application. These applications can typically be accessed through web browsers and used by B2B and B2C users. SaaS is a superset of IaaS and PaaS.
By using any of the cloud-mentioned computing services, a business can benefit in many ways. The first and foremost benefit of using cloud services would be a drastic cutting in IT costs. Scalability is another main advantage of using a cloud-based service. Also, since cloud services can be accessed from anywhere, businesses can longer confine their manpower to offices alone. The manpower can be scattered anywhere and can work using an internet connection.
This mobility can especially be useful for startups and small businesses where employees can work from anywhere with any device cutting significant costs on premise rent and other amenities. One of the most important benefits of hosting your data on the cloud is security. On-site data storage is as good as the hardware on which it resides and is vulnerable but when you move your data to a cloud, you can rest assured as long as your cloud provider is operational, your data is in safe hands. Cloud service providers offer data security not only from physical theft, natural disasters, and damage but also from hackers and data burglars.
The above gives you an idea of cloud services and how a business can benefit immensely. Lets move on to our next superhero of a business, data analytics.
Data analytics:
Have you ever encountered a puzzle on social media where you need to find a hidden figure embedded inside an image within 30 seconds and if you find it successfully, they claim you have extraordinary IQ? You might be familiar with finding the differences between two almost identical images in magazines or perhaps you would recollect those questions from a competitive exam where you need to find the number or shape that comes next in a series of numbers or shapes. Do you know what is the one thing that is required to solve these types of questions where at first these images, shapes, and numbers appear to be very ordinary and typical? Analytical observation! The ability to analyze the given data and arrive at a conclusion is called analytical thinking or observation.
Data analytics are used to analyze what appears to be meaningless, raw, and abstract data to discover, interpret, and communicate meaningful patterns from that data. The interpretations and patterns thus obtained can be used to optimize a business and can help perform it more efficiently by providing various insights. Since data will be huge and cannot be interpreted by humans, various techniques and processes used to interpret the data have been automated into various mechanical processes, and algorithms were designed to be used on raw data. Implementing data analytics in a business will optimize its performance in various ways such as reducing operational costs by identifying more efficient ways of conducting business, making better decisions, finding customer behaviors, and discovering new business opportunities and trends.
In todays digital age, every business needs data for its success as data conveys many important things. If a business ignores the data, it may miss out on some important opportunities or, even worse, may crash the business. Based on what type of analytics you use on the data, the same is divided into 4 major types. Descriptive analytics on data will give you a description of what happened in the past. This type of data analytics will help you look into what happened previously to plan a course of action. Diagnostic analytics of data will diagnose why and how something has happened, whether good or bad. If it is good, a business can follow it and if it is bad, a business can examine ways to prevent it. Predictive analytics predict future trends based on the current data. These predictions will help prepare businesses for big business opportunities or eventualities. Prescriptive analytics will help guide a business by offering various courses of action on how to proceed based on the given data.
All 4 categories of data analytics mentioned above will help a business to understand its current situation through descriptive analytics, how it got there through diagnostic analytics, where it is headed through predictive analytics, and finally, how to proceed further through prescriptive analytics. Depending on the problem you are facing in your business or trying to set the future goals of your business, you may choose all or some of the data analytics.
But to apply the various analytics, you need the raw material, which is data. The more data you analyze, the more accurate the results will be.
The combination:
Now that we have understood how a business can benefit from both cloud computing and data analytics, lets look at what the combination does to a business.
Theres an ocean of data, all right! But to mine those huge volumes of data and convert it into actionable info, you need to have a powerful infrastructure in-house, more so if the data is stored on-site. Applying data analytics on such in-house stored data is a daunting task. This is where the cloud comes in. Many cloud platforms offer storage solutions to move your enormous data onto the cloud. Not only that, apart from offering cloud-based storage solutions, these cloud platforms also offer integrated cloud analytics to apply to your data.This offers various benefits to a business, the first being not having a host of infrastructure at your premises. The second big benefit is you can easily build customized reports based on the geographical location of your business branches as the data pertaining to all these different locations is now available on the cloud. The third big advantage is the cloud analytics the cloud platform offers are much faster, more robust, and safe than the in-house ones. And lastly, the data will be safe and secure on a cloud rather than on-premise!
All these advantages of combining cloud computing with data analytics will increase the efficiency of a business by arriving at various action plans and staying ahead!
As far as the question of how cloud computing will drive the future of data analytics, it is already driving. In the future, too, we can see these two evolving superheroes shouldering many big businesses to their successes!
Read more:
How Cloud Computing Will Drive The Future Of Data Analytics -
The November Edition of Trellixs Cyber Threat Intelligence Briefing for South Africa has shown a dip from around 2,6-million total files detected in August, to 2,4-million in September, before shooting back up, past the 2,7-million mark, in October.
This top line data measured all files, including malicious and innocuous files, with public utilities, education institutions and financial services organisations recording the highest incidences.
On closer inspection, the volume of malicious threat campaigns saw a spike, from just over 5 000 files to over 20 000 in September and back down to over 10 000 in October. By far, the highest detected threat was of the MyKings Botnet Clipboard Stealer.
With South African investors entering the cryptocurrency market at a faster pace than ever, we are becoming a more attractive target for global cybercriminals as crypto has become their biggest target, says Carlo Bolzonello, country manager at Trellix South Africa. Alarmingly, the MyKings malware is aggressively used to install itself on machines to download crypto wallets and addresses, allowing hacking groups to clear out users crypto wallets.
Other common threats over the period include: An offspring of the Vega Stealer, the Zeppelin (Buran) ransomware group, which originated out of the United States and has proliferated globally, predominantly targeting the financial services and communications sectors.
Vice Society ransomware group is predominantly known for exploiting system vulnerabilities, especially where organisations may be slow to institute patches for prior threats. Threat actors will typically leverage access brokers, who sell the relevant tool on the dark web.
Crackonosh Malware, which is distributed in cracked software, as well as the Telerik UI Exploitation, which leads to malware infection by exploiting the patch last updated in 2019.
Long-term trends
Two of the leading threat actors that have emerged in the South African landscape since the beginning of 2022 are the MuddyWaters Group and UNC1945, which target the banking, finance outsourcing, and hosting services, as well as utilities.Using similar techniques and some of the same tools (like Ligolo and impacket), these infiltrate environments to steal credentials. MuddyWaters might also go further, leaving ransomware in environments, while selling credentials on to third-parties, once acquired.
South Africa has seen a growing emergence of threat actors, using tools like CrackMapExec and BadPotato, which are quite openly available and conduct surreptitious vulnerability assessments of systems to access privileges, Bolzonello says. Other Threat Actors, like APT28 will go after cloud accounts and infrastructure, moving laterally on systems with minimal detection.
Staying abreast of some of these evolving threats will require a comprehensive strategy for cloud-hosted and on-premise threat detection using live data from security operations centres (SOC), he adds.
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Microsoft recently announced the preview release of the Azure Orbital Space SDK to provide developers with a secure hosting platform and application toolkit designed to enable them to create, deploy, and operate applications on-orbit.
With the SDK, developers have access to templates, samples, and documentation to make it easy to get up and running with template applications for common workload patterns, such as earth observation image processing. In addition, a "virtual test harness" allows developers to quickly test their applications on the ground against an instance of the host platform.
Furthermore, the blog post explains that developers can leverage the SDK to write and host more intelligent applications on-board satellite capturing data, use time more efficiently, and even autonomously reconfigure applications. The SDK provides a standard template for completing imaging activities, making it simpler to transfer models and applications from one satellite configuration to another - preventing developers from writing a new solution each time they launch a spacecraft application.
In addition, the SDK also enables more sophisticated management of satellite communications by providing a compute fabric with networking capabilities for hosting telecommunication workloads. Operators can migrate applications more quickly from on-ground cell sites to satellites in space, providing higher resiliency and network utilization.
Steven Kitay, a senior director at Microsoft Azure Space, told InfoQ:
At Microsoft, we are on a mission to combine the power of the cloud with the possibilities of space, and the SDK is the latest way to turn those possibilities into realities. The Azure Orbital Space SDK makes it easier for space developers to create secure applications that run on spacecraft. They can build applications to task, acquire, and process imagery and downlink it from satellites to ground stations. This approach has many benefits for developers and satellite operators alike, including saving time since the data is captured at the edge, allowing for reconfigurability, and providing satellite interoperability and scale.
Earlier in April, Microsoft launched the Azure Space Partner Community and disclosed its first space community partners, including Loft Orbital, Ball Aerospace, and Thales Alenia Space. With the SDK preview release, the company adds Xplore, who will help them continue to shape the future of space technologies and services. It includes leveraging the SDK to gather new insights into how edge computing solutions can better enable government and commercial customers to achieve their mission objectives. Furthermore, Microsofts existing community partners will leverage the SDK.
The Azure Orbital Space SDK is available via private preview for companies through the Azure Space Partner Community and universities through the Azure Space Academic Outreach Program.
Read more here:
Developing Applications in Space with Azure Orbital Space SDK -