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Waze Gets Major Update on Android Auto With Coolwalk Support autoevolution
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Waze Gets Major Update on Android Auto With Coolwalk Support - autoevolution
TSplus has just released an updated version of Advanced Security, the all-in-one cybersecurity program for remote desktop installations. It is the opportunity to remind users how the software can protect them against growing cyberthreats.
Press Release - Jan 27, 2023 15:00 CET
IRVINE, Calif., January 27, 2023 (Newswire.com) - In 2023, cybersecurity experts predict that ransomware attacks will keep increasing, raising the ransoms to recover encrypted data to unprecedented amounts. Both public and private spheres are under threat. That is why it is crucial that organizations of all sizes, from large corporations to single-person enterprise and freelancers working from home, use the right protection.
TSplus Advanced Security includes a powerful Ransomware Protection feature, which works as a defensive shield against ransomware attacks: using advanced analysis techniques. Possessing both static and behavioral analysis to catch ransomware unknown to antivirus and antimalware software, it immediately detects and blocks attacks even before they happen. It then quarantines the suspicious documents or programs and sends a warning with details of the attack. The admin can then decide to whitelist what is considered safe. When the feature is active, it automatically checks all opened apps and files. To ensure a greater level of protection, Ransomware Protection also creates bait files in key folders where ransomware attacks often originate.
Moreover, Administrators can quickly identify and recover affected files after an attack thanks to the snapshot feature.
Protecting Careless Remote Desktop Users From Scams
Phishing, vishing, smishing and other types of online scams are not about to stop. Fake emails, fake marketing, fake websites... The list of ways to get access to key information and important files to exploit their data is long. It is therefore the responsibility of admins to correctly protect remote access and Windows sessions in order to prevent irredeemable damage to businesses due to the unawareness of the users.
Advanced Security offers several features in order to decrease the internal risks of Remote Desktop use as much as possible:
Preventing Hackers rom Stealing Corporate Data
The global financial crisis is pushing cybercriminals to improve their techniques to take advantage of the situation.
With this problem in mind, TSplus recently developed the Hacker IP Protection: a great feature that instantly blocks over 613 million IPs identified as threats from day one of use. This list of well-known authors of online attacks, on-line service abuse, malware, botnets and other cybercrime activities is updated daily using multiple sources in the security community.
Next, the Brute-Force Defender feature automatically blocks fraudulent attempts to connect to a session using wrong credentials. To complete this security, the Homeland Protection allows the restriction of access per geographic areas. Admins can easily define which countries are considered as safe to connect. Finally,Endpoint protection is a quick way to restrict access per registered device and to prevent the wrong people from accessing sensitive corporate data.
Blocked IPs from bots and malicious sources are listed in the IP Management tab for easy administration.
TSplus Advanced Security is now available in version 6.4 with enhanced features.For more information, the changelog can be consulted online.
Update now or download the 15-day trial version from the website.
Source: TSplus Corp
Excerpt from:
2023 Cyberthreats Threads: The Advanced Security Response - Newswire
In a momentous victory for community and student activists working in tandem with the UFT, the Department of Education on Jan. 23 withdrew proposals to widen Success Academy's footprint in city public school buildings in Queens and the Bronx that critics had warned would harm the educational progress of the students already in them.
Schools Chancellor David Banks issued a statement indicating that community opposition to the proposed co-locations at two campuses in southeastern Queens and a building in the northwest Bronx was the decisive factor in calling off the votes by the citywide Panel for Educational Policy.
"I'm glad that they finally listened to the voices of the stakeholders: the parents, the children, the educators, the community," said Ehimanre Ebhomielen, the chapter leader for Preparatory Academy for Writers, one of four schools based at the Springfield Gardens Educational Complex in Queens. "It was going to take away resources from those who needed them most."
Kelli Dallas, the chapter leader for Leaders for Tomorrow, one of the two Bronx middle schools on the Richard Green campus where Success Academy wanted to put a new elementary school, said the united opposition to the Bronx co-location proposal was fundamentally about not harming the public school students. "I don't think our community is saying no to charter schools," she said. "It's saying no to co-locations."
Dallas said she believes the chancellor changed his mind once students at the affected schools got "politically involved" against the co-locations. "When I heard the kids speaking," she said, "his decision was right on time."
UFT Queens Borough Representative Amy Arundell said she was "really proud" of how UFT members in the affected schools in the two boroughs came together with community members and elected state and city officials.
"We used our common concern and diversity of voices to amplify the struggle," Arundell said. "All of us playing our roles got us to this moment that was why it was so powerful."
In a statement hailing the withdrawal of the proposals, Queens Borough President Donovan Richards said New York City public school students "have been forced to endure years of systemic disinvestment in their schools, punctuated by a seemingly endless cycle of co-locations that further devalues the education our children receive."
Students at MS 72 in Rochdale Village, Queens, let their opposition to a proposed co-location be known during a community walkthrough at their school on the Catherine and Count Basie campus.
Under legislation pushed through by then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo nine years ago at the height of his feud with Mayor Bill de Blasio, the DOE must either provide charter schools with free space in its own buildings or pay their rent in private buildings. Success Academy founder and CEO Eva Moskowitz, a close political ally of Cuomo and now Mayor Eric Adams, has been the charter operator most keen on co-locations.
Some critics accuse Moskowitz of trying to gin up demand by the stark contrast between the high-gloss charter schools outfitted by her well-endowed chain and the under-resourced public schools in the same building.
Jason Hunter, an Advanced Placement biology teacher at Excelsior Preparatory HS in Springfield Gardens, testified at a Dec. 15 hearing on the proposed co-location that Success' arrival would "highlight the disparities in resources between public schools and charter schools." He pointed out that Success Academy had been offered a nearby site that once housed a parochial school and rejected it.
Public school advocates, however, draw a different distinction between Success Academy charter schools and public schools. "We take in students that have been let out of charter schools, that come from all sorts of economical and sociological statuses, and see them shine," said Dallas, the Bronx chapter leader. "That's what we do."
In late 2022, the PEP approved Success Academy co-locations at a school building in Far Rockaway, Queens, and one in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, despite local opposition.
The community outcry became even louder against the next three proposals headed to the PEP for a vote. Student walkouts and powerful testimony at December hearings on those proposed co-locations triggered negative publicity that intensified the questions about the wisdom of the potential incursions.
School leadership, faculty and public school families from the affected Queens and Bronx schools argued that contrary to DOE claims that Success would be moving into underutilized buildings, the schools were using their space to serve students in a variety of ways and the co-locations would force the sharing of common spaces like auditoriums, gyms and cafeterias to the detriment of the public school students.
Members of these school communities also noted that their schools will need more space starting in September when Success was hoping to open its new schools in their buildings because of the new law reducing class size. Several affected schools also would have risked the loss of federal grants that are contingent on continued growth in student enrollment.
At one hearing in Queens, Barbara Lewis-Williams, the first vice president of the Community Education Council for District 28, said the co-location push didn't square with Chancellor Banks' previous pledge to be guided by community input on education decisions. "The community is saying we don't want Success Academy in our schools," she testified. "When are our voices going to be heard?"
Not quite six weeks later, Banks responded to the community objections.
Najwa Waysome, an 11th-grader at Excelsior Preparatory HS who helped organize a student walkout and march between the two Queens campuses on Dec. 15, said she was "kind of surprised," but also very happy that the co-location was off the table. "I feel very proud," she said. "We managed to keep our school safe and keep it our own. We did everything we could to get the word out."
Moskowitz persuaded parents of students attending other Success charter schools to pack all the hearings to speak in favor of the co-locations. But in the end, it was the voices of the members of the affected school communities that resonated.
"My school has one gym, one cafeteria and one auditorium for three schools," testified one student at the Catherine and Count Basie campus in Rochdale Village. "And Success Academy is trying to cram us even more."
Zila Zac-Koswener, an occupational therapist who covers four Bronx schools, including the two at the Richard Green campus, said Success officials had been overconfident about the co-location sailing through. They went so far, she claimed, as to refurbish a girls' bathroom on the first floor of the building to put in new toilets suitable for elementary school students.
The plan falling through, Zac-Koswener said, left her "absolutely thrilled. Everyone I spoke to thinks it was amazing we could accomplish this. We're going to be celebrating the rest of the week."
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communities thwart co-location - United Federation of Teachers
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NSE co-location case: NSE to pay 100 crore in penalties to SEBI for lapses | Mint - Mint
A resolution supporting the opposition to co-locate Success Academy students at two southeast Queens public schools was passed unanimously last week by District 27s Community Education Council.
The CECs motion of support came on the heels of the citys unexpected withdrawal of the proposalswhich could have placed charter school students in classrooms at MS 72 in Rochdale and at Q420 on the Springfield Gardens Educational Complex. The plans removal followed a hearing in which parents and elected officials voiced their concerns that the charter school placements would pose significant challenges for the existing schools.
In December, the PEP voted to approve the move of Success Academy students from MS 53 in Far Rockaway to the campus of Waterside School for Leadership in Rockaway Park, beginning in September 2023. The Waterside Childrens Studio School, which currently shares the building with Waterside middle school students, will be relocated to the former Stella Maris High School building, which was renamed PS 593.
We need to pass this resolution even if it is a symbolic gesture to let [our neighboring] school communities know we are in support of opposing the charter school co-locations, said Tabio DaCruz, the UFT Alternate Representative for District 27.
New School in Richmond Hill
Meanwhile the School Construction Authority is looking at a four lot parcel at 120-08 Jamaica Avenue to construct a 697-seat primary school, according to Danielle Schaaff, community relations manager at the School Construction Authority.
If the proposal moves forward, it will need the final approval of the City Council before construction can begin.
Schaaff said there have been 119 SCA projects completed in District 27 since 2020 at a total cost of $147 million. These capital improvements include auditorium, cafeteria and heating upgrades, new playgrounds, window replacements, roof work and building additions.
When questioned about anticipated seats to accommodate new residents moving into
Downtown developments in Far Rockaway, Schaaff said the SCA is in conversations with the Office of District Planning and closely monitoring projected numbers, but there is no current plan to create new seats.
Superintendents Report
Superintendent David Norment said his initiative to retrain teachers in reading and math instruction is underway.
The way we teach our students to read is shifting from a whole language approach back to phonics-based instruction, said Norment.
By June of 2023, all District 27 team members, principals, pre-k and kindergarten teachers will be retrained in the science of reading, he added. Teachers will also receive instruction on new strategies for teaching math to students in kindergarten through fifth grade.
Norment said the district is reaching out to elected officials to help fund the training.
Were not going to see a bump in our state test scores immediately, he warned. But this is a long-term fix to better instruction for our students.
In Other News
A vote to approve the new name STAR Leadership Academy for PS 377 in Ozone Park was scheduled for the CECs February meeting.
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More opportunities for affordable housing alongside capital projects like libraries, firehouses and police stations took a step forward, thanks to a bill approved by the County Councils new Planning, Housing and Parks committee on Monday.
County Council Vice President Andrew Friedson (D-Dist. 1), who is also chair of the committee, is lead sponsor of the bill. It would require the countys Department of General Services to conduct the feasibility of so-called co-location of affordable housing in capital projects, before a full program of requirements and specifics of the project is finished.
According to the bill, the study would consist of a description of a capital project, any specific requirements, environmental or site limitations, project cost (if available), costs of co-locating affordable housing, a finding of whether housing is feasible, and other considerations.
County Council members Will Jawando (D-At-large) and Natali Fani-Gonzlez (D-Dist. 6), approved the bill alongside Friedson on Monday. David Dise, director of the countys Department of General Services, said in an interview that hes supportive of the legislation.
The committee approved amendments to the bill Monday that allow the Department of General Services to start drafting a program of requirements and look at site selection and land acquisitionbut the feasibility study must be submitted to the County Council before any of those are completed.
Affordable housing advocates, including Greater Greater Washington, the Coalition for Smarter Growth, Montgomery Housing Alliance and Affordable Housing Conference of Montgomery County support the bill.
Dise said there is no impact of the bill on internal processes for capital projects because his department is already doing the analysis. The legislation requires his department to report sooner to the council on the feasibility of co-locating housing, he said.
Dise added that one impact the bill could have, if passed, is that council members might want to look at different types of housing than is proposedswitching from townhouses to a high-rise building, for example.
In an interview, Friedson said those conversations should be welcomed, as county officials need to explore all types of affordable housing to address residents needs.
Friedson, now in his second term, said his interest in introducing the bill stems back to early in his first term, when council members were told that co-location of affordable housing wasnt possible with the White Flint Fire Station, a capital project near North Bethesda. Friedson couldnt understand why that occurred, given the redevelopment of the area and need for housing.
Is the reason why we dont do co-locations [of housing] at certain sites because it could potentially delay a project, or because it could potentially cost more money or add additional complicationsis that reason enough not to co-locate housing? Friedson said. Because thats really the threshold question here.
The legislation is aimed at prompting discussions about whether county land and capital projects can handle the cost and additional impacts of affordable housing, Friedson said.
Friedsons bill now heads to the full County Council for review in the coming weeks.Related Stories
Friedson bill aims to spur affordable housing on county-owned land - BethesdaMagazine.com
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) will challenge the order of the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT), which set aside Rs 624 crore disgorgement order against the National Stock Exchange (NSE) by the market regulator in the co-location scam, according to a report by The Indian Express.
On Monday, the tribunal also set aside another order by the market regulator that had asked the former NSE chief executives and managing directors Ravi Narian and Chaitra Ramkrishna to disgorge a substantial portion of their salary.
Apart from this, SAT directed NSE to deposit Rs 100 crore to the Investor Protection and Education Fund (IPEF) created by the SEBI. In its order, SAT said, We must observe that when serious allegations were made against a first-level regulator, namely, NSE, Sebi should have been proactive and should have conducted the investigation seriously.
Sebi had adopted a slow approach and, in fact, was placing a protective cover over NSEs alleged misdeeds. It is only when questions were placed on the floor of the Parliament that Sebi woke up and instituted an investigation. The scope of the investigation was limited.
Co-location is a data centre facility where third parties can lease space for servers and other computer hardware. They provide infrastructure like power supply, bandwidth and cooling for setting up servers and storage of data. Customers usually rent out space by rack, cabinet, cage or room.
The NSE introduced co-location facilities in 2009 and offered traders/brokers the ability to place their servers within NSEs data centre for a fee. By being in close proximity to the stock exchange servers, traders/brokers would have faster access to the price feed and the execution of trades, due to the low latency connectivity.
In January 2015, a whistleblower wrote a complaint to SEBI, alleging that some brokers who leased space at the NSE co-location facility, were able to log into the NSE systems with better hardware specifications while engaging in algorithmic trading. This allowed them unfair access from the period 2012-2014, as the hardware specifications gave them a split-second advantage in accessing the price feed.
A minuscule difference in time can lead to huge gains for a trader. At that time NSE used to disseminate information through unicast, which is a single, direct request sent from one host to another, with only those hosts interacting over the route.
Following the complaints by the whistleblower, SEBI formed an expert committee under the guidance of its Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) to examine the allegations against NSE. It found that stock brokers at NSEs co-location facility were given preferential access, as they could log onto multiple dissemination servers through the multiple IPs assigned to them.
The committee also found that NSE followed a static mapping process for allocating members IPs to dissemination servers due to which a few brokers were able to log on to the fastest dissemination servers. At least 15 brokers were identified by SEBI for having preferential access.
Following its investigation into the issue, SEBI in 2019 directed NSE to disgorge Rs 624.89 crore and barred the exchange from accessing the market for funds for six months.
SEBI also asked the former NSE CEOs, Ramakrishna and Narain, to disgorge 25 per cent of their respective salaries drawn during a certain period. They were also prohibited from associating with a listed company or a market infrastructure institution or any other market intermediary for a period of five years.
In February 2022, the regulator once again fined Ramakrishna and Narain for corporate governance lapses in the appointment of NSEs group operating officer, Anand Subramanian, who was later arrested by the CBI. Ramakrishna was arrested in March 2022 and continues to be in jail for another matter regarding the illegal phone tapping of NSE employees.
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Published: 25 Jan 2023, 13:43
The battery energy storage system would be co-located adjacent to SSE Renewables substation at the 18 turbine Richfield Wind Farm in Bridgetown, County Wexford. Image: SSE.
SSE Renewables has begun a public consultation for its proposed 21MWp solar photovoltaic (PV) array and 10MW/2hr battery energy storage system (BESS) facility in Ireland.
The announcement follows a fleet-wide assessment by SSE Renewables of its existing onshore wind farms to determine possible co-location sites.
The proposed solar farm would be built in the townlands of Hooks and Yoletown, whilst the BESS would be co-located adjacent to SSE Renewables substation at the 18 turbine Richfield Wind Farm in Bridgetown, County Wexford, which has been operational since 2006.
Public consultation will open to members of the public tomorrow (26 January) to gather views from local people in County Wexford.
Project development will also depend on Irelands current grid connection consenting regime facilitating hybrid technology grid connections to allow for the co-location of generation sources, added the renewable generation company.
Last year the Irish Government launched a consultation to create a policy framework that better supported the development of energy storage, describing the technology as a critical system service needed to manage a low carbon electricity system.
"We're taking action at SSE Renewables to deliver the clean energy the world needs right now. At Richfield in County Wexford weve identified an ideal opportunity, located in Irelands Sunny South East, to further explore how we can co-locate solar, battery and wind farm technology to realise our full homegrown renewable energy potential, said Heather Donaldonshore, renewables development and construction director at SSE Renewables.
The proposed development can generate new solar power for immediate use, while also storing surplus renewable energy in a battery storage system for use when its needed most. The result is that this co-location project at Richfield can help export greater levels of renewable energy output to the national grid and contribute to Irelands target of generating 80% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030.
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KANSAS CITY, Mo. Three more defendants have been indicted as part of an investigation into an armed and violent drug-trafficking organization operating in the Kansas City, Mo., metropolitan area.
Anthony D. Harris, 40, and Latrell O. Dean, 19, both of Grandview, Mo., and Seville S. Gardner, 37, address unknown, were charged in a 112-count superseding indictment returned under seal by a federal grand jury on Tuesday, Jan. 24. The indictment, which was unsealed today following Gardners arrest, replaces an indictment returned on March 1, 2022, with three additional defendants and 28 additional counts. Dean was already in law enforcement custody on a separate, but related, matter.
In addition to Harris, Dean and Gardner, the superseding indictment retains 24 defendants charged in the original indictment: Kevin C. Cokes, also known as Big K and Uncle, 61, Mercedez M. Gardner, also known as Twin, 37, November D. Gardner, also known as October and Nuttie, 24, Idella Gardner, also known as Lupi, 35, Delmar L. Hatcher, 52, Nathaniel B. Chapple, 25, Treandre R. Walker, 25, Hazel M. Berymon, 65, Carlton L. Burns, also known as Pooder, 25, Christopher J. Hicks-Berry, 36, Kyeir C. Theus, 36, Tony L. Davis, 53, Michael R. Parks, 63, Brian T. Boxly, 46, Parris J. Walker, 28, Jachobette J. Gardner, 43, Reginald L. Mitchem, 43, Martell C. Cratch, 31, Matthew Rogers, 60, Gloria Hutchinson, 38, Eddie L. Nicholson, Jr., also known as Junior, 55, Toneisha R. Blackmon, 30, and Shania N. Bailey, 24, all of Kansas City, Mo., and Deone D. Gardner, also known as Twin, 29, of Belton, Mo.
Two defendants charged in the original indictment, Eliot E. Cox, 33, and Anthony D. Stuckey, 67, both of Kansas City, Mo., are omitted from this weeks superseding indictment as they already have pleaded guilty to charges contained in the original indictment.
Among the charges added to the superseding indictment is one count of conspiracy to tamper with a witness. November Gardner and Deone Gardner allegedly conspired to use physical force against an undercover agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to influence or prevent the undercover agent from testifying at their trial.
The superseding indictment alleges that 26 of the 27 defendants participated in a conspiracy to distribute cocaine, fentanyl, and marijuana in Jackson County. Cokes is charged with participating in a separate, but related, conspiracy to distribute cocaine.
Harris and Gardner are solely charged in the drug-trafficking conspiracy. Dean is also charged with one count of participating in a robbery conspiracy with Walker, one count of the armed robbery of a Dollar General store in Raytown, Mo., one count of the use of a firearm during a crime of violence (the Dollar General robbery), one count of possessing marijuana with the intent to distribute, and one count of possessing a firearm in furtherance of a drug-trafficking crime. Dean allegedly possessed a Glock 9mm pistol in furtherance of the drug-trafficking conspiracy and in furtherance of the possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute.
In total, in addition to the two drug-trafficking conspiracy counts and the witness tampering conspiracy, various defendants are charged in two armed robbery conspiracy counts, three business robbery counts (two Family Dollar robberies in Kansas City and the Dollar General robbery in Raytown), 23 drug-trafficking counts, 30 counts related to illegally possessing firearms, one count of destroying a motor vehicle in a drive-by shooting, and 50 counts of illegally using a telephone to facilitate a drug-trafficking conspiracy.
According to court documents, the ATF began investigating an armed drug trafficking organization operating primarily in east Kansas City, Mo., in April 2021. Members are known to sell marijuana, crack cocaine, powder cocaine, purported ecstasy pills, purported Percocet pills (believed to be counterfeit pills made with fentanyl), and purported OxyContin pills. Members are known to carry firearms and commit acts of violence. Court documents allege the organization is connected to at least two shootings in which three victims were wounded.
As a result of that year-long investigation and subsequent indictment, more than 200 law enforcement officers from the ATF, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the U.S. Marshals Service, the Kansas City, Mo., Police Department and the Independence, Mo., Police Department participated in an operation on March 8 and 9, 2022, that led to the arrests of 25 of the defendants. Officers seized 27 firearms, 1,877 rounds of ammunition, more than 11.1 kilograms of marijuana, 300.9 grams of cocaine, 278.91 grams of other illegal drugs, and $34,439 in cash.
The charges contained in this indictment are simply accusations, and not evidence of guilt. Evidence supporting the charges must be presented to a federal trial jury, whose duty is to determine guilt or innocence.
This case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Byron H. Black and Special Assistant U.S. Attorney Stephanie C. Bradshaw. They were investigated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the Kansas City, Mo., Police Department, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the U.S. Marshals Service, the Independence, Mo., Police Department, Missouri State Highway Patrol, the Buchanan County, Mo., Sheriffs Department, the Johnson County, Kan., Sheriffs Department and the St. Joseph, Mo., Police Department.
KC Metro Strike Force
This prosecution was brought as a part of the Department of Justices Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF) Co-located Strike Forces Initiative, which provides for the establishment of permanent multi-agency task force teams that work side-by-side in the same location. This co-located model enables agents from different agencies to collaborate on intelligence-driven, multi-jurisdictional operations against a continuum of priority targets and their affiliate illicit financial networks. These prosecutor-led co-located Strike Forces capitalize on the synergy created through the long-term relationships that can be forged by agents, analysts, and prosecutors who remain together over time, and they epitomize the model that has proven most effective in combating organized crime. The principal mission of the OCDETF program is to identify, disrupt, and dismantle the most serious drug trafficking organizations, transnational criminal organizations, and money laundering organizations that present a significant threat to the public safety, economic, or national security of the United States.
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FRANKFORT, Ky. Carter Lumber Co., one of the nations largest lumberyard businesses, announced it would expand its presence in Bowling Green with an $8.1 million investment creating 86 quality jobs. The new construction is part of the companys rebuilding efforts following the devasting tornadoes that impacted much of Western Kentucky in December 2021.
The new facility will feature state-of-the-art technology and equipment that will allow Carter Lumber to serve better customers who rely on the services provided at the lumberyard in northern Warren County.
The location will allow for added manufacturing capabilities of the roof and oor trusses and wall panels and carry engineered wood products. The companys door and mill building will be upgraded with a larger, 1,200-amp electrical service and an additional 22-foot-wide warehouse door with an added concrete approach driveway. At the truss building, 16,800 square feet of additional concrete will be added along with two new 18-foot warehouse doors and openings for exit and feed rollers for improved truss production. The new facility is expected to be completed by the end of 2023 and will be located in the Kentucky Transpark.
We are proud to be a part of the Bowling Green community and are committed to helping it recover and thrive, said Jeff Donley, president of Carter Lumber. This new facility is just one way we can contribute to the rebuilding efforts and ensure the growth of our Carter Lumber operations and the many builders we service in the area to rebuild stronger and better than before.
Founded in 1932 in Akron, Ohio, private and family-owned Carter Lumber is the United States fourth largest professionally focused lumber and building material supplier. The company primarily services professional builders through its more than 170 locations across 13 states. Carter Lumber operates under four uniquely branded divisions: Carter Lumber, Holmes Lumber Co., Kight Home Center and Kempsville Building Materials.
Carter Lumbers investment adds to Kentuckys impressive manufacturing presence, which includes 5,000 facilities that employ around 250,000 residents. According to the National Association of Manufacturers, over 13% of the commonwealths workforce is in manufacturing, well above the national average of 8.5%.
To encourage investment and job growth in the community, the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority (KEDFA) on Thursday preliminarily approved a 10-year incentive agreement with the company under the Kentucky Business Investment program. The performance-based agreement can provide up to $750,000 in tax incentives based on the companys investment of $8.1 million and annual targets of:
By meeting its annual targets over the agreement term, the company can be eligible to keep a portion of the new tax revenue it generates. The company may claim eligible incentives against its income tax liability and/or wage assessments.
In addition, Carter Lumber can receive resources from Kentuckys workforce service providers. Those include no-cost recruitment and job placement services, reduced-cost customized training and job-training incentives.
Click herefor more Kentucky business news.
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Carter Lumber Co. to invest $8.1 million in Warren County location - The Lane Report